Lowenstein Sandler LLP | The contents of this website contain attorney advertising. | Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.
Access the profiles of the more than 350 Lowenstein Sandler lawyers who provide critical legal counsel to clients in virtually every sector of the global economy...
Lowenstein Sandler is committed to helping our clients, colleagues and communities during these unprecedented times. Our paramount concern is everyone’s health and safety, and doing our part to maintain the continuity of our global economy is integral to that objective.
This page is designed to gather in one place the firm's thought leadership regarding the impact of Coronavirus/COVID-19. We will continue to update this page with useful content as quickly as possible.
As the pandemic impacts individuals and businesses around the world, our lawyers will continue to share their deep industry knowledge, experience, and strategic insights on best practices for managing the evolving business risks and handling the many legal, health, and other issues arising from this situation.
Partner Vice Chair, Emerging Companies & Venture Capital
Christopher Porrino
Partner Chair, Litigation Department
Jeffrey D. Prol
Partner Vice Chair, Bankruptcy & Restructuring Department
Warren K. Racusin
Partner Chair, Trusts & Estates
Richard F. Ricci
Of Counsel
Jeffrey M. Shapiro
Theodore C. Sica
Meagan R. Signoriello
Brian A. Silikovitz
Partner Chair, Tax Group
Peter Slocum
Kenneth J. Slutsky
Raymond P. Thek
Partner Vice Chair, Emerging Companies & Venture Capital
Michael Walutes
Catherine Weiss
Of Counsel
Julie Levinson Werner
Partner Vice Chair, Employment
Jeffrey J. Wild
Partner Chair, Fiduciary Litigation
Jonathan C. Wishnia
Partner Chair, Mortgage & Structured Finance Practice
Amy Komoroski Wiwi
Ed Zimmerman
Partner Chair and Co-Founder, Emerging Companies & Venture Capital (fka, The Tech Group)
Honors & Awards
New Jersey State Bar Association(2020):
Catherine Weiss – Recipient of the Pillar of Justice Award in recognition of her pro bono work during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially her leadership in statewide efforts to prevent evictions
The Best Lawyers in America, published by Best Lawyers(2005-2025):
Recognized in the Corporate Law, Mergers & Acquisitions Law, and Securities / Capital Markets Law sections and Ranked as 2018, 2020 and 2021 Lawyer of the Year in the Mergers & Acquisitions section
Chambers USA: America's Leading Lawyers for Business(2003-2024):
Recognized for work in Corporate/M&A - New Jersey
No aspect of this or any advertisement has been approved by the Supreme Court of California, the District of Columbia Court of Appeals, the Supreme Court of New Jersey, the New York State Court of Appeals, or the Utah Supreme Court.
Partner Chair and Co-Founder, Emerging Companies & Venture Capital (fka, The Tech Group)
Honors & Awards
New Jersey State Bar Association
Catherine Weiss – Recipient of the Pillar of Justice Award in recognition of her pro bono work during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially her leadership in statewide efforts to prevent evictions
The Best Lawyers in America, published by Best Lawyers
Recognized in the Corporate Law, Mergers & Acquisitions Law, and Securities / Capital Markets Law sections and Ranked as 2018, 2020 and 2021 Lawyer of the Year in the Mergers & Acquisitions section
Chambers USA: America's Leading Lawyers for Business
Recognized for work in Corporate/M&A - New Jersey
No aspect of this or any advertisement has been approved by the Supreme Court of California, the District of Columbia Court of Appeals, the Supreme Court of New Jersey, the New York State Court of Appeals, or the Utah Supreme Court.
Lowenstein Sandler is committed to helping our clients, colleagues and communities during these unprecedented times. Our paramount concern is everyone’s health and safety, and doing our part to maintain the continuity of our global economy is integral to that objective.
This page is designed to gather in one place the firm's thought leadership regarding the impact of Coronavirus/COVID-19. We will continue to update this page with useful content as quickly as possible.
As the pandemic impacts individuals and businesses around the world, our lawyers will continue to share their deep industry knowledge, experience, and strategic insights on best practices for managing the evolving business risks and handling the many legal, health, and other issues arising from this situation.